
Welcome to Socially Distant Mom! Thinking about blogging for a while, to bring together my passions of social awkwardness, geekiness, working mom challenges, family fun stuff, writing needs and random crafting. There’s no theme here. Just a bunch of chaos.

I was “social distancing” before that was a thing (I’m so ahead of the curve, we used to call it “being awkward”). I have a tendency towards imagining disaster, so when COVID-19 appeared, it didn’t seem like a stretch that this was going to be a for-shizzle thing.

“I avoided people like they were zombies before they were all zombies. Now that they are all zombies… I kinda miss people.”

Columbus, Zombieland
I was socially distant before it was cool #FlattenTheCurve. Don’t judge my selfie technique – I don’t know what I’m doing here!

Flights Make Me Appreciate Cars

Yes, I know. Statistically much safe than driving in cars. Still. I trust myself driving, because I assume everyone else is both drunk and actively texting. I’m right about 50% of the time. When you fly, I’m not sure you really need to worry about airplane collisions so much. But I still didn’t personally drug…

Crazytown Week

This week has been CRAZY TOWN. Without going into specifics, because, you know #tacky in case anyone de-identifies me, it’s been a bunch random things being thrown at me. All of which have the potential for harm (metaphorically, this isn’t trauma. Trauma is trauma, difficulty, aggravation, annoyance, and overwhelm are not trauma). I’m madly attempting…

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